Monday, January 30, 2006
in bout couple of hours, school will start..
hix... ugh! dont wanna go...
i was gettin redy too erly, so i still have time 2 go on..
-ohhh.. oww.. my tummy... tsk. --
im not that nervous.. omg, i gtg..
my tummy hurts.. a lot.. uhh...~_~ oww..!
cyas ppl...--uhh...--
2:44 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, January 29, 2006
well hello.
didnt cut my hair cos it was closed..=_= chinese new year..
but ill do it 2morrow anyway.
omg,, schools comin soon... uhhh...~_~
well. i didnt cut my hair as u all knoe, so then deph n i went 2 carebear.. wait.. not carebear!! omg,, karebear..!! i think.... lol soz forgott...x_x
we bought this thing, u knoe.. those things, that u can make er...-- what does it call agen?--
erm.. those little thing,,-- not keyring.. but those sort of thing anyway..
from those small beads.. so cute.. i made 2, cos in 1 packet, they alredy gave u the things u need, such as the lil beads n strings,, n otha stuff and u can make 2 of 'em..
well, we both made 2 of 'em,,
4 black_strangerz!! i made 1 4 myself n pig, n deph, made 1 4 herself n cheese.
hehe.. it turned out rly cute i admit..^^ ' they're snakes...!!
though it's sort of pink, it is pink axually.. but w/e
we thought that it was red! but,, it tricked uss! its pink... ugh..
well cyas aniway,,
2:41 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, January 28, 2006
--deph: I luk cute...--
hey ppl,
uh.. yeh, dephs here.. well..
shes rollin her hair.. u knoe, w/ those rolls..
i bought my school supplies..^^
*mahatma came in running..+ gasp*
eh.. hehe.. surprised mahatma? lolz.. deph luks diff eh?
no. not yet..=_=
deph.. when r u gonna take them off?
--deph: until it's curly...?--
i see..
i need some mor buks.. only 4 of 'em.. n er.. some other stuff i need i guess.. meh..
wehll.. i,, i mean, we...(me n deph) met pasha.. in easties...
he cut his hair.. v. ugly though...=_= v. v. ugly indeed.....
w/e cya.
--deph: I luk dumb...--
uhhh..... =_=
3:27 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, January 27, 2006
Guys, guys guys.. hello ppl..
i ate custard 2day w/ deph, we went crazy!! dancin on the balcony 2getha!!
hahaha.. that was hilarious..! it was fun though and we watched this really cuute and nice movie!!
The 2 brothers.. or somethin like that.. forgot what it called..
its sooooo cute!! and nice!! about 2 tigers.. and.. and..-- just watch it..!!! XD
ok, im goin 2 a movie w/ deph, n buy our school supplies.. 2morrow
were watchin narnia agen.. cos it's soooooooo cooll!!! omg,, im so in luv w/ it.. lolz!
anyways.. i have a new story, a one-shot story, it's on my other blog n my quizilla account,
its not that bad, so just read it.. well,, it was only some random things that came out of my head.. so check it out!
kk ppl, not in the mood of typin,, cya
6:23 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Thursday, January 26, 2006
yeh, gud gess, i am busy,, y? got lots of stuff 2 do, such as.. my quizilla account, mtc, mdp2's blog and plus! im goin 2 HS... as u all knoe.. i knoe.. im soo young..=_= lolz.. w/e, bought my uniform yesterday, n just came back from aussie day 2day, watchin fireworks... so niice!
goin 2 shop 4 skul this sat, n cut my hair the nxt day, sunday^^
im not xpecting too much now, in case i won't like my hair agen...=_=
just like b4,
so neways pplz, sorry if i dont update as much as b4,
im gettin busier n busier,, n skul's gonna start soon... o wellz..
thats all i guess...
4:54 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, January 23, 2006
hahaha... ehh... omg,, i was drunk yesterday night!!
deph n I were laughin on the phone and when we were chattin,,
well.... I was insane 4 like... let's see.. 1 and a half day? yeh..
'till this afternoon... but not now,, don't worriee..... i won't bite u..!! I'll eat u!! yeh....
uhh... that wasnt funny...=_= soz.. im not insane anymore 'kayy?! im not.. *tellin myself that ova n ova agen*
i wonder... i didnt eat custards this week.. oh yeh..
evrytime i eat custards i always get crazzy.... u'll knoe the bad side of me when i eat custard.. lol.
deph knoes.. ask her.. righty deeph??
im weeirdd.... laughin, askin dumb quest,,, and urgh.. u'll see...
w/e.. anyways ppl i betta go b4 im goin insane 4 no reason agenn...
well.. cyas.. heppy mummblus/mumbluff!!
bout that.. tell u's later... lol.
3:40 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, January 21, 2006
hey, hey, hey pplz... blah!
I'm totally bored, and scholl will start in like 2 weeks? dunno.. less than 2 weeks mayb.
meh... I'm kinda in a bad mood, well w/e..
I didnt do anythin 2day, great....
and uhh.. ppl aint comin 2morrow 2 the pengajian thing,,, VERY great!
w/e anywayz... u lazy ppl.... =_=[jk] but dont wanna talk bout that, lets talk bout somethin else...
such as........
I dunno... mahatma(my lil bro) is like now, get mad, cos he lost in his game..-_-
and he was like... "ohhh... cheaterr!! u can't do that!!..." and stuff.. and hit the table 4 a few times.. lol. his habit when he loses probably... dunno...
Sadra(my big bro) is playin his electric guitar... how.... boring, he've been playing that like... nearly half of the day...
and now. me! i am, listening to some musics... and typin as u all already guessed it..
oh u guyz who's in indo, such as... ria, pig, eeda(i think), sasq, firass, reza, andin, niswa and stuff...
I miss u guys.... I'm like stuck here w/ cockroaches(sp?) i knoe.. ewwww..
pls b on, i knoe u guys r busy w/ school and stuff, but awww..... I miss yaas!!
omg, how many times have I said bout those stuff, includin; I miss indo!^^... lol.
but I really do... *sobs*
btw,, I'm buyin a brand new flute!! yAy! how am I happy...!^^
coss.. i'm gonna try out 4 band in south sydney. *sigh*
also... there's something (i wont tell u's) that's stuck in my head,, cant get it off,, kept on thinkin bout it, till now... some times, I forgot bout it, but then it strucked agen 2 my head.. uhh!=_=
so.. what else? cbb 2 type more.. so c yaz....
PS: a new 1... lol.. from #MajMa# 2.. >> ~JJe~ jje is my nickname,, deph call me that... so yeh,,
2:42 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, January 20, 2006
hey ova there guyzz... how r u?
pig's gone... yeh, 4 2 weeks... *sigh*
anywwayz... yeh, well, im nearly finished!^^ and I put a song on.. a song called "My World" which suits my tittle^..
ehh.. I bet u guyz alredy know that... soz.
and I'm just totally bored now... dunno what 2 do...*sigh*
o well... so... er...- ooh.. I'll just put this song's lyrics up k? yeh gud idea...
--here we go:
Please tell me what is takin’ place, Cuz I can’t seem to find a trace, Guess it must have got erased somehow Probably cause I always forget, Everytime someone tells me their name, It’s always gotta be the same. (in my world) Never wore cover up, Always beat the boys up, Grew up in a five thousand population town, Made my money by cutting grass, Got fired by fried chicken ass, All in a small town, in napanee. You know I always stay up without sleepin’, And think to myself, Where do I belong forever, In whose arms, the time and place Chorus: Can’t help it if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, Sometimes I can’t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend I’m off again in my world! I never spend less than an hour, Washin’ my hair in the shower, It always takes five hours to make it straight, So I’ll braid it in a zillion braids, So it may take a friggin´ day, There’s nothing else better to do anyway. When you’re all alone in the lands of forever, Lay under the milky way, On and on it’s getting too late out, I’m not in love this time, this night. Chorus: Can’t help if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, Sometimes I can’t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend I’m off again in my world! (la la la la) Take some time, Mellow out, Party it up, Don’t fall down, Don’t get caught, Sneak out of the house! [chorus:] Can’t help if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, Sometimes I can’t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend I’m off again in my world! Can’t help if I space in a daze, My eyes tune out the other way, I may switch off and go in a daydream, In this head my thoughts are deep, Sometimes I can’t even speak, Would someone be and not pretend I’m off again in my world!
that's it.. meh... w/e.. @ least i got sumthin 2 do.. lol..
u knoe.. let's talk bout some random stuff.. like?
ergh.. dunno... blah! i dunno.. im not that random, unlike that "P" twin...
you knoe what I mean... ehh... u don't? ooo.. soz... It's Pash and Pig..
still dont get it? nvm...dw..
if u do get it... they're sooo.. randomm... my god.
u knoe I'll tell u somthin...
Last time we were watchin movie 2getha, in deph's house i think afta mtc meetin, (me, deph, pig and pash)
then.. when the movie started they start talking like bout random things... 4 example...:
pig: omg... luk @ the girl, she luks so... bitchy...
pash: i knoe eh? i wonder y those indo artists r like... u knoe..
pig: o yeh,, u knoe once.... I was..--
-- and stuff.. and deph and I, we were... like.. "oiy! the movie's starting..can u just watch... u won't understand if u kept on talkin like that,, it's indonesian, u can't speak indo very well, so sussshh!!"
haha.. it was funny though... evrythin they saw, they talked bout it.. haha^^ lol.
*sigh* i wanna do that agen.. hanging around 2getha..^-^ i miss them alredy... lol.. nah.. that'll b like soo.. deph!
so guyz... glad I could fix the prob b4 eh?
ehh... some ppl didnt realise,, so just 2 let u knoe,, my site was.. -- omg..-
it was... ugh.. totally ruined! it was such a,,,,-- bad day..- my bad luck day! hehh..^^
but... w/e i fixed it anywayz... im soo gladd!! =D
ehh... guyz.. gettin late now, and i think it's long enough already... gah!
6:52 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
o yeehhh!!! damn! i did it!! it's back, i knew it would work!! ehh.. though i have 2 update the template all ova agennnn.... uuuh! =_=
but hey, it's back!! back back back!
omg, that was easy,, not that easy, but still..
meh... dont b happy yet,, i havent finish my job...
but i'll do the besst.. do as quick as i can! =P
er.. wait. no not as quick.. as gud as i can..!!
*grin* hihi... lol! dont b happy yet pplz...
k.. c ya guyzz... =]
2:29 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I got a gudnews...
ehh... finally i have time to do my graphics.. and i've only finished 4 the backgrounds,,
the rest,, im still workin on it, (cos backgrounds r the easiest! x] )
also, pls read the rulz...
well.. think thats all! cyas..
8:26 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
hehhh..... how i feel so weird.. i do! seriously,,
diff from the other 1,, rememba how i said i felt weird last time.. this 1's diff..
well, appart(sp?) from disappointed, a lil mad (caussa my stupid net doesnt work properly!), and er.. a lil sad and also i kept on day-dreamin.. (wonder y,, egh, w/e) i feel somethin else..
weh.. weh... it's diff... diff than others,, didnt feel exactly like this yesterday,, uh. well, sort of, but not this much.
aww.. im so lonely, and bored and-- *silence*
*background shoutin: oghH!! what's w/ this net?! im so sick of it,, egh, w/e*
*silence again*
*mumblin: im so gonna finished this..-* *lookin around*
oh sozz..
and also very very madD w/ my stupid internett!!! caussa that,, i couldn't chat properly!
and right now, i need some1 2 talk 2..!!
aww.. how i miss indo,,, ugh.. soz. how many times did i said that in this blog? egh w/e..
so hot man... im gonna sweat soon..(eww.. smelly sweat... ugh.. joke.. lol.)
i dont smell incase u guyz r wonderin..=_=
ugh.. wait. did i just say i dont smell? er.. wait. i do smell axually i admitt it.. (*mumblin: unlike ppl*... nah.. jokin...!) but.. er.. i mean,, omg hard 2 xplain, im not makin bad of myself,, but sometimes ppl do smell.. in fact evry1..
u get it noww?
hope sow..
so bored... and ergh!! no watchin movie 2morrow?!?!
ahh! such a nightmare! (lol..)
anywayz guyz,, dont u think, im like posting like a journal here...
i mean seriously,, i could make it as a story,, a story bout myself! lol..
i mean... i should write evry single important things that happened, in a buk.. or diary.. or journal.. or even blogger, or w/e..
hehehh... i wasnt that serious, just a suggestion.. 4 myself..
hehh.. lol.
egh... cant i just stop sayin that 'lol' word...
k.. im gonna go insane in a minute,, wait. but i didnt eat custard 2day? what happ?
ugh.. w/e i'll tell u guyzz later.. bout that 'goin insane' and that 'custard' thing,,
cbb typin that much..
cya guyzz..
5:26 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Oh.My.God!! eegh!
this week- wait, mayb this whole year'll b such a damn boring yearr...
I can't believe this! mtc is getting worse, and plus we're not watchin movie 2morrow!!
and y?! cause 2 ppl ain't comin, and most of 'em r stupid boyss,, ohh!
so, if both of 'em ain't comin, pig'll b the only guyy,, and that is no gud is it? cos i think he does miind.
Also! if ppl ain't comin, does it metter anymore?! no. uh-hhuh, no! it doesn't!
cos,, then, there'll b only 3 girls and 1 boy! 1 boyy!
uhh. ppl gonna think pig's a 'waria'<(indonesian) or somethin,, w/e,, things r like,, i feel like,, things- wait. evrythin r like... gettin worse, and evrythin,, ugh. it's just me,, wait. is it? egh,, w/e *mumblin 2 myself* hehh... later guyzz..
2:23 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, January 16, 2006
hehhh.... I just love photoshoppingg!! uhh.. im soo boredd! my god,,
and i wanna read a gud story, a very gud 1 indeed,,, ppl,, who can write a gud story here? pls.. just make 1, or tell me if u write stories,,
I love reading! lol.
oh.. and also,, u knoe how i wanna put musics in this webpage or in my quizilla stuff,, who can tell me which website got loads of musics,, (not those fake musics..=_= soz.. no offens, cos i dont need them right now) but those real 1! w/ ppl singing and stuff,, get it? gud. cos it's hard 2 xplain..
anywayz,, i just updated a pic,, and i dunno y,, but i just decided 2 put it in here,, x_x
k,, and oh yeh.. and thx carmen 4 givin me this pic,, it's not that gud really,, cos i was soo friken boredd!!
here it is..:

it's very diff from b4,, it looks brighter and betta.. (no ofens) and those glow things around it,, it's my fave.. it makes luk,, just betta..
b4,, it luks darker and a bit, only a bit gloomier.. and w/ no glow things around it.. and it doesn't really luks dreamy,,
well w/e nearly or mayb(i dunno.) mostly photos r like that,, well. not b4 ppl update it @ least,, but it luks gud now.. *smile* not that gud.. but betta,, yeh,, betta.
thx ppl,, laterzz.
4:55 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Thursday, January 12, 2006
omg.. I'm so late 4 this am i? aww... im sow sorry...
HaPpY NeW YeARr EveRYbOdYy...!!! ^_^
hehhhh... there u go! i knoe i'm soo... late! omg,, i forgott! lol =P
anywayzz..... people, pls check out my stories in my quizilla account once again!
I know my writing isn't that good, but er... urgh. w/e up 2 u... -_- blah...
so... how r u all? huh? i'm gud, im okay..^^
and i can't believe i'll b going to South Sydney soon!
heh... i have 2 make new friends,, and guess what?! the worst had happened!<(this is just an expresion, there's something worst than this, but i'm not tell u's) Ria's goooooonnee!!!! *sobs* nooo........... I'll b alone, w/out ria,, in South Sydneyy.... huhu....~.~ omg. truly, i miss her already and those ppl in mtc who just left 2 indo.... awww..... *sobs* saskiaaaa... i miss ur browniess.... aaawww...... and firiz, mtc won't b as ruined and as loud as last time w/ out youuuu...... and no-one'll b such a basket-eyes(heheh..) like u in mtc... and er... andinn... there'll b no-one 2 b pranked w/ and u too ne2klampirr(reza).. no-one 2 b pranked w/... (hehee... lol.) who else..? er...*thinking* eedaa... come back here sooon! hurry uupp... mtc's lonelyy... and last of all riaaa..... heeehh...... no friends in South Sydney, and we can't b 1 cabin in the camp w/ South Sydney.... aww.... ppl r leaving... including u deph..... u'll leave soon... aww... i'll lose 2 of my besties... and a lot of close friends... aww... and now im the only left,,,, ugh, wait. u ain't going yet deph, 10 more wks... o well... w/e let's b HAPPY! aww... reminds me of ur blog riaa... pls edit it agaaiinnn... need html advice or anythin just tell mee.. yeeehh??! hehe... "HaPpY sMiLe" <<>do miss them... o well.
btw, i got new shoes 2day... hehe... they're black, very nice and comfortable...^^
oh... im so tired of typing, i wanna stop
so bye ppl... cya...^^
11:13 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again