<body> TheLifeI'mStuckWith
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Note to self: Stop eating cheese.
Somehow I think I'm starting to get alergic to cheese. Yeah, they're not very friendly to my tummy anymore. Just a little bit of it can make me go to the toilet. It wouldn't matter much though cos I don't really like cheese.

Anyway, I'm worried and scared. No it's not about school. I just heard an 18 seconds clip of LP's new single that'll be coming out on the 2nd of April. It was... different. Just different. It was like.. "Forgive me what I've done... Forgive me what I've done..." But it was only 18 seconds so I'm not gonna judge it from there. I'll be patient and wait for the whole song (and album) to come out. I don't wanna be dissapointed =/ I trust LP, but yeah.. you know.. *sigh* Yeah, go listen to the 18 second clip here It's actually a ringtone, but just listen to it anyways. I think when it comes out, I'd like it, but then I'm gonna miss their old stuff.

I'm supposed to revise and study for my tests tomorrow.. owell. Not like it's gonna matter, cos I'd still get bad marks anyway =P I can copy my friend's.


8:04 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Friday, March 16, 2007

Today I woke up, still pissed at some people. Anyhow, I ended up reading my Archives. I miss Australia so much. I laughed at some of the posts I wrote. I think I had a better sense of humour and blogging on the past, hah. Looking back, I realised how alot of things happened in the past 2 years.. and I miss it. But.. I LOVE 2006! It was such a great year. I mean seriously, since alot of things happened in 2006 and mostly bad stuff, I thought it was the worst year ever. But I had so many memories from that year that I'd never forget. And I guess my friends had always been there especially Dev and that year came Farah too, who understands me more than anyone besides Dev. What's so funny is that when I'm upset and I think about all those past stuff, it cheers me up. Weird I know. From the time Ria left to me changing and the 'almost breaking up of my family' and then me making one of my biggest mistakes and then dev left and then farah came and whoa! so many other things. Hehe, I miss those times..


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7:12 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

somehow this cheered me up. lmao. weeiird..



9:29 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again


Name: mjm
Death: 13th.October.19** (for me to know && for you to find out)
School: Wait and see. It's somewhere I don't want to be.
MSN: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com
Yahoo!: grinapple93@yahoo.com.au
Blogskins: xmjmx
FS;Myspace;Bebo: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com




NO junks. NO advertising. NO bullshits. Otherwise, feel free to scream and yell at me.


Join LPU
Cut my hair
Frat Party DVD
Have a half new wardrobe
New sneakers
New black platform shoes
New bag
A mobile
iPod Nano
New Earphones
New Pencilcase
Smooth my hair
My own stereo
Dye my hair navy blue/dark violet
To get effing taller
To have all my hopes and wishes comes true


September 2004
October 2004
July 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
December 2008
December 2009


Designer: xmjmx
Image edited in: Photoshop 7.0
Brushes: 1 2 3
Image: Daydreamed
Image Hoster: Imageshack
Web Hoster: Blogger


© Layout and Coding by ME
This layout was made by me. No stealing. No borrowing without permission. No ripping image/codes and claim as yours.
Steal, and I'll rip your face off.

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