Friday, February 17, 2006
hello... i'm back from the camp. and it was awesome!!
we do 4 activities evryday.
The first day, when we just arrived, we chose our cabin and stuff and go to lunch. Then they paired us up into 5 groups.. i was in group 3.
Evry group got diff activities evryday.. The first day,, group 3 did Survivour Challange, then we had afternoon tea.. --that's when they give us ice cones and oranges. Then after that we did rock climbing --which was awesome!
And then after that, we go to dinner, take a shower, and we had Night Challanges, then supper and free time, then lights out and go to sleep at around 11.00 pm. but I stayed up until 11.30. (and luckily we didn't get caught =P)
Next day. wake up at 7.00, get ready for the day. (no, we take a shower at night, not morning)
watch a movie, breakfast and start the activities.. first, we went.. kayaking in the beach with dolphins!! --soo... nice! then morning tea... --we got apples!-- and.. we went snorkeling, which was cold.
Go back to the camp, go to lunch, change clothes.. (cos it was wet) then we did archery.. and guess wat.. i got bullseye! yeah!! go mee! and anyway.. it was nice.. then we had afternoon tea..--more snow cones and oranges..-- then we did absailing.. --soo high.. but it was fun.
Dinner, take a shower, Night Challanges, supper.. free time, lights out and go to sleep.. --just the same as before.. except that i didn't stay up night, cos i was tired.
Last day, wake up 6.30, get ready and packed up, clean the room, breakfast, start the activity..(yes only 1..cos we went home at 12.00) we did giant slide. fun but a bit scary.. but so cool!
Have lunch, buy souveniers.. --I bought this cute doll!-- and anyway.. buy some lollies and stuff for the way back. and we got in our luggage and go home.. by bus..
and that's it for the camp. but it was sooo funn!! and evry1 of course got new friends..
and all of us got muddy and wet, when we did the Survivour Challange. it was hillarious.. both teams cheated. lolz. and.. yeh.. it was so nice. Though there was lots of musquito(sp?) and ugh.. i hate it. =_=
Well that's it.. I don't think i have more to say bout the camp.. so
3:16 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, February 13, 2006
camp's 2morrow,, but i haven't even packed a thinngg..!! hm. geh.
i will.. it wont take long.. so.. so wat! meh. > <
... *gasp* omg,, i forgot i dont hav any sleepin bag.. have 2 call some1..
(I'm borrowing some1's)
n i have 2 pick it up 2day thenn... ugh.. owells..
well guys.. im packin n gonna pick the sleepin bag up! so..
cyas.. i'll b away 4 like... 3 days.
I'll write bout the camp asap wen i get bak.
9:25 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Yes ppl.. I do have anotha one shot in the otha blog of mine.
Check it out pls ppl!!!
gakh! hope u guyz enjoy that 1..!
a bit more sad than the 'Aqua..' one though..
This 1's called.. 'Perfect is Just an Illusion..'
so pplz! go n read! ><
owells.. i gotta go, gettin too late..
n 2morrow's school.. ugh! dont wanna! but camp's this Wed..!! yay.
cyas guyz..
4:54 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, February 11, 2006
photoshop rulzz!! X] *squeaked*
i knoe i told u so many times....@_@ but im lyke... addicted 2 it! lol. i luv it!-- soz ppl..--
ok ok.. n yeh, just made the banner ther^.. the last 1 was cool too.. but i think this 1 is betta.. n it match the template more..
havent seen the last 1? owells.. here it is..:

so yeh.. im just.. probably gonna make this for the 'link me' thing.. so ppl can hav choices..
but ill do that later.. cos i hav 2 get goin soo.. n specially im hungry
lyk mayb some ppl says.. my tummy's lyke a bottomless pit.. lolz.. or somethin along those lines..
well.. guyz.. wat els? er.. dont think i hav much 2 tell...
hows ur days? owells.. now i hav 2 get goin... n gonna eat too! lolz..^^""
cyas ppl..
6:14 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm very sorry i change it agen.. n i knoe mayb.. some ppl lyke the other 1 betta.. but, i cant put in the banner.. n it just so... bloggy-ish,, lol. soz ppl^^""
if i have time.. only if i do have, i will put.. somethin that called 'previous templates'.. so evry1 can see all my last templates, ill figure out how later. cbb. but im not sure yet though.. owells..
im sure u'll get used 2 this template.. lol^^""
well, i betta get goin.. cyas ppl.. hav a gud time!
12:56 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Thursday, February 09, 2006
ye ye.. swimmin carnival. n ohh!! i regret 2 not participate in the races! tsk!
ugh, i should've race! even yasmin n joanne's ther.. omg,
but it was ok.. though.. even though i didnt even touch the wateerrrr.... er.. wait. thats a lie..""
i did touch it, sort of dippin my feet ^^"" i mean.. just u knoe.. nvm.
*sighs* aww, remind me of last year's swimmin carnival aww, *sighs* ria shouldve been ther! ugh.
n ther was lots of ppl askin others 2 b they're valentine..haha. sweet.
its hard 2 xplain, u knoe how ther's those big speakers thing, n they put musics on, n ther was ppl.. lyke.. er... they were some ppl puttin on love musics 4 their valentine. hahah. n.. heaps of otha stuff.
n ther was this guy sayin sorry 2 his gf through that thing.. i was lyke... "wat the..?" but it was funny. n ther was some otha valentine stuff. *sighs* n joanne (a frend of mine) came 2nd on 50m free style! i shouldve beaten her! but i wasnt even racin..=_= dammit! im faster yasmin (some1)... n some ppl, i could win, ther was a chance, but i wasted it.. ugh.. noo. *frowns*
btw, in the end of the day, wen suzan (a frend of mine) n joanne (same) n i were sittin down n talkin, n it was nearly the end of the swimin carnival thing, a guy.. messy blond hair n blu eyes.. (dont lyke that), year 7/8 i think.. not sure. i think he's in banks (1 of the house team) cos he was wearin red, n red hat too...n it's a bit far too the left....(stupid) =_= red boy. lol. -- no, but its not him, not that red boy that ria n i always talk bout. no.-- n he came up 2 us, n w/ 1 hand out he said, 'could u b my valantine..?' --i think he was talkin 2 suzan or joanne, not mee.. i can tell.-- i was.. "*raised an eyebrow+cocked my head 2 the right* e-ehh...?!" n suzan was lyke... "*lukin around+confused*" n joanne was lyke.. "whaa..?" n he said quickly, "nah, just jokin!" then he went down n sat quickly w/ his frend agen..=_= wth... weeiirdd... lol.
later, wen we were standin up, just playin around, waitin 4 the teachers 2 tell us that we can go home, the guy came up agen n just stood ther.. i was lyke.. "yes?!" n joanne was lyke.. froze. n suzan just luk around agen. n he was just standin ther.. lukin aroun'.. silence. we all went froze. then i broke it. by sayin.. "I bet that was a dare," n he goes.. "wat? i didnt even say anything," n i just rolld my eyes. n he goes.. "u're in year 11 aren't u..?" 2 suzan. i was lyke.. jaw dropped.. thinkin how dumb he is.. n suzan was lyke... "nooo.. i'm in-" but i cut her.. "o yes. yes she is.. *wink 2 suzan*" n the guy was i think sort of confused. n joanne saw my wink n made made an 'o' than he just said.."no, she's in yr 7, wat bout u..?" i was thinkin...if he knoes, y ask..ugh. i was thinkin 2 lie, so i nudged joanne on the arm.. n she shrugged. n he goes.. "ohh.. frikken.. mck. u all r just makin things up." n he walked away.. n i was.. just shrugged.. n said.. "fine.. w/e"
then guess wat... he came bak agen! uggh! n he just said.. "oh i knoe.. u 2 girls *pointin @ me n joanne* r in yr 8, n shes in yr 7." i was lyke... "er.. yee.. ye.. gud guess.. *fakesmile*" n joanne was just.. "no." n i was just, "ok.. fine.. fine.. fiine.. yes we're in yr 7.. *rolleye* n i supposed u're in yr 12 ,yes? *raise eyebrwos sarcastically*" n he just shrugged n said.. "uh.. ye i guess.." n i was just thinkin.. yea right.. i can tell u idiot.. then he said walkin bakwards. sayin.. "nah.. im in yr 7, really.." n i just go.."not 8?" "no seriously.. im in yr 7.." i was thinkin.. haha.. i guessd it, saw him in orientation day. stupid.. "o ye.. i saw u in... er.. nvm..." --me.
n joanne n suzan was lyke.... "riight.. o...k......?" i just shruggd, n said "can we go nooww..?" tryin to change the subject,, n joanne moved her gaze from where the guy walked away n started talkin bout somethin... i wonda wat,cos i forgot, didnt focused.. n haha.. i dont even knoe his name. w/e.. that freako...
n i can tell that he was soo.. into suzan!! *squeaked* seriously. i can soo tell..
cos wen he talked 2 me, he was sort of.. i dunno, he didnt really focused, n he luked at suzan for couple of times.. sweet!
well.. think it's long enough.. cyas ppl! ~JJe~
11:34 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
hei guys. im sorry 4 the last update i knoe its so dumb! but just 1 thing, wereva u put it, even in the last update of mine. i still can see n knoe it. cos it goes straight 2 my email. so no-one, can get away w/ it. n now i think... i THINK! only think.. not sure, who the person is..
im sort of curious. but w/e i dont care anymore.. cos yeh. i dunno him/her. --i hav a feelin its a her-- n i alredy get ova it.
btw! guess wat.. this 2 rokheads of mine is just soo.... aaargh!! guess who..
bad guess. my bros. =P wait. did u get it right? well if u do. gud on u. ill give u cookies.. yumm.^^ only if i hav some..."" soz cos i dont.. xp ""
well, i have swimmin carnival 2morrow. nice.
wat els should i say...? hmm...
im hungry! lol. haha. thats wat.
o ye... n this girl whos in my basketball team she forgot my name n called me 'vegemite' instead..=_= n since then she calls me that. lol.
i dont think i have mor 2 say... well. enjoy ur day anyway..
11:06 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I. am here.. writin stuff in blog.. to just share stuff.
--I'm talkin to directly all of you. who ever you are.--
If. you.. dont like my blog.. or sick of it, or don't want to see anythin else..
and want to get out of here.. well simple! drag your mouse to the 'X' button on the edge there! and click it!
you don't have come here if you don't want to.
And I don't want anymore junk messages! if you think like that.. fine. I don't mind.
but as you all people know. if whoever you are, especially the one who comments me those junks..
trying to let me down. and change evrythin in my blog.. the answer is NO!
no way in hell. that wont affect me any gud.. or bad..
I don't care anythin you said. and just 'cos I'm talkin about MY life.
doesn't mean I'm freaking selfish! I can write watever I want here..
I'm sharing, write about stuff. just like a journal. but not that personal..
you see,, tellin people how bad it is.. how lame it is.. how stupid and redicilous it is their blog.. won't do any gud.. or bad for you either!
It takes time to make websites or blog. It's not that easy.
and plus! once again.. those comments won't let me down, and I won't change anythin in here. nothin..
and also.. look over there.. scroll down and look on the right side of this blog.
there's graphics over there.. it's pretty hard to make you know.. and thats not about me. you also can use those.
so please appreciate other people's work people! especially, if you don't even know how to made blogs or these.. it makes you so.. childish.. and jealousy.. which mayb is untrue..
thanks for the others.. see you later.
11:01 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
its bad... a v. bad n sad day indeed,,
im just sort of upset.. n bored....
im not in mood of talkin.. not even...*sighs*
im in... a.. very... upset, n bad mood..
its just stuff.... u knoe...,, no... u dont...
*sighs* meh..
im listenin 2 music... really loudly...
w/ those big earphones..^^ full volume.. the earphones.. n also the radio thing...
just... so i can... u knoe... unbored myself.. (is that how u say it..? meh...)
i hate ppl....=_= i just hate them............ *sighs*
2:47 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again