<body> TheLifeI'mStuckWith
Friday, March 31, 2006


how do you feel right now? i feel sleepy and tired.. yes.
by the way, there is a little change in here.. noticed it? -- no? ahhah.. look up there at my tittle.. what does it says sweety?-- now you noticed? good. For the first time, i got rid of that other annoying me, since im too tired to make it up..=_="" oh yeah im glad. *sighs+yawns*

i went swimming with deph for a long and satisfying... urm,, hours? i forgot how many hours.. lol. owells. cbb writing some more cyas

6:29 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Monday, March 27, 2006

This Sucks!

--Hey, remember how you said you have a feeling it'll rain and there won't be any galaday?
--oh yes, of course I do..--
You're right that there won't be galaday.. but--
--see.. i told you! ha!--
BUT.. i'm half right too, cause i don't think it will be raining tomorrow, cause the cloud isn't even cloudy.. *stuck my tounge out*

Anyways.. hi people. no galaday tomorrow, no fun.. =| *sighs* owells... meh. I did my speech today. I was amazing! oh yes i was. lost in a sentence once, left foot was terribly shaking. People seems to leaned down closer, as I introduced my speech and stuff, which makes me more nervous.. I dunno why they have to do that to me..! -- or is it just me who's imagining things?
--yeah, it's just you.. phft.--
she.. I mean.. the other me is very negative isn't she? yup, she sure is.
-- so..? --
So nothing. btw.. people say I did good, I could tell that teacher was smiling, so I was relieved, yes.. I was actually relieved. i was nervous.. duh! i might look relaxed as i gave my speech, but i was shaking badly inside. haven't give out speech for what.. since I've given my horrible "First Impression" speech in the Public Speaking Night thingo last year.. =_=""

By the way. I never realised that sometimes I intended to blush. Yes i know i sounded pathetic, but I actually blush! you know.. cheeks go shade of red,, or pink.. uhh.. but that's alright.
How do i know? that's because deph told me. she said.. "jje, you blush you know that.. you do!"
she's lucky cause she doesn't, and people can't see if she's you know.. blushing,, melting,, shy,, and things along those lines. Ria does, and you can really tell! Lol. she looks so cute when she blush. her tan skin becomes the shade of pink, like when it happens if she got cold. and when she blush, she got that frown on her face.

Hhhmmm.. I wonder how i look when I blush! lol.
well, im going, cyas..

12:27 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What should I say?

hehh.. i cant be bothered typing that thing,,
--what thing? me?!--
oh there she is.. *sighs+shaking head*. alright alright, she's still here. dang! I got tattoo btw, not permanent.. temporary.. T_T air brush. last for 1 week or so. sux doesn't it? ye i know.
--she.. i mean, I'm that stupid to get one just for a week..--
excuse me?.. anyways, it's bloody $4 ! meh i dont care. i got speech, english assessment task tomorrow, wish me luck. And again, this weekend i slept over at deph's for the last time.. maybe, well except if she got the extension thing..
--extention.. not extension..--
oh soz, swapped over.. people makes mistakes. Am hoping to not rain this Tuesday, since it will be the galaday im waiting for.. please don't rains.. *cross fingers*
--i have a feeling it will..--
no, i have a feeling it won't so shut up. well, i have not much to say now. cyas.


4:27 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Somwthing new to tell..

hi agen.
--hi, for the first time for me now. --

um, she's the other me,,^^ here's the story..
-- you haven't told them?!--
shut up. anyway, here's the story, i decided that.. it'll be a good idea to.. er.. well you know when you're thinking and talking to yourself or when you wanna decide something there's another voice in your head that tells you things,, like,,, ugh hard to explain..let's say your second voice in your head.. yeh^^ in quizilla stories they got them too, i know sometimes it's just.. unreal, but hey, it happens right? though not exactly like you're having a convo with another person, but still. i figured out that it will be more intresting.
-- no, i did!-
whatever you're still me..

anyway,, galaday was canceled., cos of the bad weather. but basketball was not bad today-- you did bad today..-- no i didn't! i did pretty good i guess, joanne... said... so.. *feeling pretty unsure*
-- phft, she's way better than you..--
*upset+frowns* so what! i'll do way better in the real games which is next tuesday!^^ wait. but deph's gonna be gone next friday.. oh noo,,, *sobs* ria went and left me, and now deph, who's next?
-- the person you like?--
what?! i don't like anyone, and i swear.. cross my heart, bet a hundred bucks!
-- oh yeah, i forgot you don't have one..--
mhm! if i do, i'll already give you's clues here, cos im pretty careless bout those things you see, so give up if you think i have one! *stuck my tounge out* i have no feeling to anyone, especially guys.. mwahaha!! - anyways.. suzan came to the basketball team from netball, and she was glad cos she had more fun. i admit that it was actually fun today, infact team B did the best today from all the other weeks, and suzan's good at it too, she helps man!
--ha! how bout you?--
yes i help too- duh, im pretty active there man, even more than stephanie (no ofens..)

Long eh? duh, cos there's another annoying me.. you'll get used to it. what do you think of the idea? huh? if you's don't like it, i'll change it agen. send me comments! you know you love me! *wink*
-- i don't think so..--
shut up! *put a big grin to the readers* bibi.


10:45 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Indo Festival!

hai hai, yesterday was soo much fun!!-- ok, pasha ends up not coming, and mahatma came, but sadra didnt, which is annoying since mahatma ruins it, it was supposed to be pasha, not him. we want the real "black_struangerz" here! ugh. but it was still fun anyway.
We bought this hountou pancakes that has chocolate and greentea inside it, and the greentea tastes horrible, so i spilled the inside out on the grass and it looks like shit. We just waited until someone stepped on it, and it looks so wrong! deph did the saem for the chocolate one too. lolz. and you know how there all lotsa stalls and heaps of people lining up.. deph and i just went to the middle of the crowds and secretely spilled the whole chocolate thing, we just stared at it until someone stepped on it, and some people really did! then we walked back to our place laughing where pig was waiting for us to tell him what happened.

Next thing, we were supposed to go to Mc Donald's cause we were bloody hungry and needed some junk foods, but then we stopped to this game zone thing, cause we've missed it soo much. there we spent like hours and when i finished doing this basketball thing, we just realized that we were supposed to go to Mc Donald's. In front of Mc Donald's we were stopped again by the fountain water thingie for kids, pigar just went through it so then all of us followed. we ran back and deph accidentally splashed by water, so she was wet.
After that, we finally fill our tummy with foods in Mc Donald's. finished eating we went to that splashy thing for kids.. again. piggie's back was fully wet, and he dared deph to go through the water, so she did, and she was wet, and i mean wet! we then went to the toilet, and then we dicided we all have to be wet, so it'll be fair, so all of us went through once again, and i mean through all the waters, so we were fully wet, but my back wasn't.. =P and mahatma wasnt that wet, deph was the wetest, then came me and pig second, and came mahatma who was saying that he was soo wet, but we were wetter than him.
but anyway, we met.. 'dinda' who was supposed to be with us but ended up to go with her friends, and she told us about this fountain thing, it's like a curtain and she said she went through it. We all then go there, just to taek a look and maybe even go through it. we ended up getting all wet. yes we all went through it. people was staring at us, but we didnt give a damn. pig put his hat on me, but then i fully wet his top of his hat, cause i was just being random. it was so funny. we then bought those sticks with those ribbons on the edge, you know for those gymnastic thing, lol. we all bought one and dicided to walk to the bus stop near hyde(sp?) park, since we werent allowed to be wet in the bus.

We walked, talked and haev fun walking. then we go home by bus, and i slept over at deph's house after that.
It was heaps fun!! in the game zone thingo, deph, mahatma and pig was busy playing pin ball, but i wasnt that intrested so i just watched. we played that thing too, what does it called? urm,, i forgot. oh and i did that dancing thing, you know that feet thingie, and pig joined inm lolz.
*sighs* heehh... it was fun, though tiring. owells..

No more to say, im tired of typing too..=_="

3:35 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I've just decided, since i couldn't put any tittle, (even though i do, it wont come out..=_=) i'll put it up like that.. by just sort of.. bolding it you see.
The other bad thing about this friken template is that.. people cant send comments except in the cbox! and.. there's no Archives! Where the hell is the Archives?! --I swear I didnt do anything! ugh.. effin' template. gah. I'm still working on the previous template thing btw, so yeh.

School is getting busierr.. I have two speeches to do next week, and one speech..(that will definitely go to my report) the next week after. ahh... horrible, disaster. One easy DT speech on Friday, and the other one is in the early Monday.. english! --omg, speeches speeches speeches speeches speeches,, i had enough already about speeches=_= ... *sighs* freak.
I haven't even buy a present for piggie, what should i buy?.. hhmm..... --no idea, meh, i'll think bout it later.

But anyway, my speech for DT is sort of.. let's say.. urm,, unique...?-- why? cause it's about 'The Flush Toilet'! ha! flush toilet..! Imagine me... doing a speech in font of a whole class and the teacher, about.. The Flush Toilet!! haha.
Well, that was really my choice by the way,,, accidentally of course.. --ok.. uhh, what we supposed to do, is to find a good and useful technology and make an assignment of it,, you know.. sort of like project, and we have to write the history of it, who invented, every single freaky thing of it. but anyway,, i thought.. it will be a good idea to chose flush toilet, cause it's useful and good for us right? ....right. Well, i chose that, cause i didnt even know we have to maek a speech about it! i though we do it in a cardboard or something! lol. So when i just found out, I was like.. "oh crap.." lolol.

After all those silly-- and.. you can say a little bit bad news.. I have a good news, --well, at least it is for me.-- I'm having the Gala Day next Tuesday! yay! gosh, finally, after those crap practices, tsk. I'll also probably verse Anna from dacey last year too, cause she's in the basketball team as well^_^
hahh.. can't wait..
I dont have much to say anymore.. owells.. cyas.

9:59 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I told you i'll change my template, didnt i? well here it is! mwaha!
It's different isnt it?-- well of course^^""
I'm at school btw, library.. with shaylee.. she's besides me, trying to make her own blog^^ lol.
i'll put her link later in my links out. Again, thanks for.. "kiki" who told me about the site that has cool templates.

oh oh.. the bell went.. gotta go. bye cyas

6:07 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Monday, March 13, 2006

hi hi.
I'm working on a new template.. but i cant be bothered to put it up now,, so just.. prepare k?
it'll totally different, a bit lighter, but a bit represent the.. --well.. it just fits!
Thanks for.. "kiki" for tellin me that site that has good templates in it^^ i'll tell you later what it is.

Well i'll miss this template btw.
I've also decided to put.. "previous template" i'll put the previous ones from this ordinary template right now. So, if i want to change again, i'll save it up, and put it up in previous template.. k?
i'll probably put the new template tomorrow..-- oopz, i forgot something.
I was supposed to tell you's this yesterday! ugh.. but anyway..

Happy b'day Piggie!^^

and yeh.. lolz. soz, i forgot to tell you's this yesterday =_= *mumbling to my self*
so... urm.. i dunno. -- oh! i forgot something as well..
I got my flute now!!! *uncharacteristic squeaked* finally,,, --(dont you think?) *sighs*
hehh.. nothing else to say now...-- wait do i forget something?... *thinking*... urm.. no.
so now... goodbye folks!^^""


10:47 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Saturday, March 11, 2006

i am.. going swimming! aww.. how i miss swimming!^_^
swimming.. hehhe.. i love swimmingg.. lolz. -- let's stop talking bout swimming now..=_=""
anyways.. guess what,,

MY flute is actually already arrived since Thursday! Thursday!! argh.
but guess what... when the post man thingie.. was here to give out my flute, there was no-one at home..x_x
so he left a piece(sp?) of paper.. how it says,, "Awaited item in Post Office.." or something along those lines.
though we found that paper on Friday afternoon, in the mail box and that was when the post office was already closed.
So,, my dad and i went to the post office just yesterday by bike..^^
but then... something terrible happened...........
.........The post office is friken closed!!! argh! d.i.s.a.s.t.e.r!
I've waited for soo long.. and i have to wait agen 'till tomorrow..=_=... (yes.. the post office's closed on Sunday... [duh!])

Anyways.. i'm going now. i'm going to.. swimming!^_^
yay.. okay.. that's all.. bye cyas.

3:34 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Thursday, March 09, 2006

hehh.. i post for the second time today.
But i'm sort of happy here.. cos i thought..
i thought.. noone ever come to my blog and stuff and even though someone did, they found it boring and never come back! but i didn't even bother to put down this blog!
and some people actually come to my blog! im soo gladd!!
and some people actually send me comments!! i'm soo happy!><

i'm a bit upset about my other blog though.. you're all so nice to drop by and stuff, but im still upset bout my other blog.
I wanna know what people thinkk..!
That's why,, send me comments about my writings!^_^
You know you love me! *wink2* -- lolz jokes. well soz, i wasn't exactly forcing you to do it..... sorry. you dont have to if you dont want to.

Any of you's don't get what i'm talking about "my writings" well.. i write you know.. did you know that? (no?) well now you know..^^ i write in my other blog called.. "MINE" it's there on the "Links out!" thing.. so go visit, read.. and comments!
Thanks soo much for you's who send me at least just a comment! ><
....Keep up the good comments!!!....
roflmao. hehhehehh....^^^""
and I.. will keep up updating my blog! deal?...-- deal!

and guyz! check out the new link out! "My quizzes result"!
please please please.... pretty please.....
you can know more bout me there^^

Thanks! cyas.

1:49 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

gakh. worst thursday ever.
snap test.. hmm.. sucks! it's not that i cant do it or anything, i can.. of course i can!-- but.. i just.. im bored of friken maths! and we have to count and think and everything.. and ugh i have lotsa maths homework. dammit.
school photo.. sucks! i have feeling that i look bad that time, cos the photgrapherr.. she just went.. "sit down, sit straight..-- no we are not doing photos in an angle or anything!! just sit still, chin this way and smile.." then shot!
I wasnt even ready.. i was like.. what the hell?! and the group photo they just.. urgh.. crap!
...*sighs*..... i told you i hate thursdayss.. so be ready for my complains. (lol, soz ppl)

wait actually, i wont complain bout anything anymore now, cos there's nothin to complain bout. lol.
and steph wanna go to movie or easties with me this sat, but she has to ask her mum, and i dunno if i can go cos there's mtc, and i think she want it to be like in the morning bout 12 or 11 or something.. so meh. i hope she's allowed to though, maybe we'll go at around... 3 and yeh.
I dont wanna stay at home after mtc doing nothingg... gekh.

im hoping to get my flute really soon.. and i dont think i have much to say now,
so bye.


9:08 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

I do hate thursdays, specially there'll be friken snap test tomorrow! argh. disaster.
i rather have another ella test..^^"" i enjoy doing the writing tasks!
but maths... uhh.. thats a different story, we have to 'think' and 'count' and... stuff you have to do when you do maths...-- oh.. crap. I forgot to do my homework..=_= i'll do it now.. it's maths..gakh---

Photos... school photo tomorrow.. period sevenn.. after the test.. *sighs*
...I can't wait 'till my flute's here! god.
btw.. i was thinking to make 'bloopers' for my one shots in the other blog of mine.. (lolz, the tittle's "MINE" too.. i've changed it. ^^""") oh and anyway.. i want to make 'em.. but im not very good at making those bloopers thing... i was wondering... if..anyone could make me one... =D -- uh nah.. i dont think so.. cos then it wont be originally and made by 'me' so.. yeh.

oh, and remember how i said in this blog that i nearly got crashed.. you know... (you don't? well read the posts before..) and anyway, urm.. it nearly happened again today!
I was with stephannie though.. and she was fully laughing. 'Kay here's the story...
We went to McDonald's cos i gotta go to pee.. then stephannie was hungry so she bought ice cream and stuff like that. So.. after that,, as always i wanted to cross the road and i was waiting right.. in font of Seven Eleven. I was talking to stephannie when I heard the sound when you can cross the road... you know those.. "tururururururururururuut" sound.. and I just turned around like before and walked straight. After couple of steps, I just noticed that there were lotsa cars going pass. I just turned around straight away laughing, and being laughed at. lolz.

That was the second time. lol. and in the same day, Wednesday... lolz, hillarious.
well thats it,


1:21 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Monday, March 06, 2006

No, it wasn't. The ella test wasn't that hard. And the writing tasks aren't even hard.
dammit. i thought it'll be so hard. But it's not.. which is good i guess, yeh.

Anyway, my dad paid the money for my flute, and all i have to do now is just wait.. for about a week or so. can't wait though.. i miss playing flute! but i'll be starting to play it again soon.. im sure.
Also.. does any of you's have any idea what else to put in this blog of miine? cause i just dont want it to be boring, so give me some ideas!

I hope all the people will come to mtc this saturday. I'm sick of being only with deph... and the 'P' twins... and claudy.. i mean... argh. dont worry. I want more 'interesting' people in mtc! gah, the old ones are goone..
But anyway, I have nothing else to say..
well, I'm hungry and yeh. and... i think i'll stop here.


8:21 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hi everyone.
I have ella test tomorrow. So.. wish me luck..!
anyway, I made a new one shot, read it in my other blog. And I'm like getting busier now, so I probably won't post as often, soz.
I dont have much to say.. urmm.... I dunno.
I'm not really in mood of typing right now, so I'll post something maybe later.

Cya guys..

9:18 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

hi hey hello people,
ugh.. im having ELLA and SNAP test next week on tuesday and thursday.. that sucks.
anyway, today was funny. and tomorrow's gonna be a booriing dayy.. cos it's thursday, and i hate thursdays. and my bag's gonna be heavy on thursday!

*sighs* school's getting busier.. tsk. oh and basketball today was good.
when i went home, walking to bus stop with joanne, we were crossing the road right, and we met shaylee.. we talked to her and said hi and stuff, then i heard those noise.. you know, when you cross the road, so i just went.. "bye, cya shaylee," turned around and when i was bout to cross the road, i didnt notice that it was actually the other direction which is actually free for crossing, and it was the other direction's thing that made those noise, 'tururururururt' thing..
so there was lots of cars passing by.. and i just walked straight with out noticing lots of cars passing by somehow, and joanne and shaylee were like.. "MAJMA!!!," then i just stopped and realised that the road was very busy, i was like "whoa.." i turned around, joanne and shaylee looking at me wide-eyed. i nearly got crashed! omg. i was laughing and shaylee was shaking her head. and joanne was like surprised while i was laughing.
i was like.. "that was soo funny, so close!! *laughing*" and joanne just went.." AND dangerous..!" while shaking her head, but i couldn't stop laughing.

oh.. my god. and i met anna, and connie, and jung yun, and grace, and jessica,, and some other people in dacey, cos i came visit there just after school today. and this girl just went like this to me.. "hey, you're from south sydney! i know you!" i was like.. "yeea.. riight.."
connie was fully hugging me..T__T
anyway.. we got 2 new members in mtc,, forgot their name though.. lol. soz =_=
i'll tell you's later. and oh!
guess what,,, my dad just bought me a new flute on ebay!! yayy!! omg. thanks soo much. and im joining band.
and my fridge was shaking! yesterday night, it was shaking by itself, and i was just froze, standing there alone, jaw dropping and freaked out. so i just ran back to my room. lol. a shaking fridge in my house! lmao.

thats it.. cyas peoplez.

12:15 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again


Name: mjm
Death: 13th.October.19** (for me to know && for you to find out)
School: Wait and see. It's somewhere I don't want to be.
MSN: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com
Yahoo!: grinapple93@yahoo.com.au
Blogskins: xmjmx
FS;Myspace;Bebo: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com




NO junks. NO advertising. NO bullshits. Otherwise, feel free to scream and yell at me.


Join LPU
Cut my hair
Frat Party DVD
Have a half new wardrobe
New sneakers
New black platform shoes
New bag
A mobile
iPod Nano
New Earphones
New Pencilcase
Smooth my hair
My own stereo
Dye my hair navy blue/dark violet
To get effing taller
To have all my hopes and wishes comes true


September 2004
October 2004
July 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
December 2008
December 2009


Designer: xmjmx
Image edited in: Photoshop 7.0
Brushes: 1 2 3
Image: Daydreamed
Image Hoster: Imageshack
Web Hoster: Blogger


© Layout and Coding by ME
This layout was made by me. No stealing. No borrowing without permission. No ripping image/codes and claim as yours.
Steal, and I'll rip your face off.

Adopt Your Own Pokemon Sprite!