I decided to stop putting stupid titles. I can't be bothered thinking of one everytime I feel like posting and.. yeah, I ran out of ideas. I find all the titles in my blog lame. Didn't get to edit the previous post since I have nothing to say anyway.
Now.. *sigh* I don't know. Why do I even bother posting something here? -_-' Let's see.. I'm sleepy, that's for one. I feel like being alone at home after going to Consulate General thing in Maroubra with fam and being around all those noisy crowds. Those middle aged women were so very loud and talkative that I could've gone deaf by now if I stayed around them. The QWERTY song suddenly strucked me and it hooked me up and makes me listen to it over and over again for some reason. I didn't like it that much at first though, I thought it was too hardcore and abit unLPish, but then it starts getting into me even more. Everything is too boring and dull now. There's nothing left interesting. My excitement of going to Indo and starts everything all over again is gone since now I find it abit.. meh. *scratches cheek* ~`JJe~ ♥
5:33 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, September 29, 2006
Two weeks of rest.. or maybe not.
Aahh! At last!! Whoo.. I never thought I'd get through this week. I ended up going to school today even though the school was empty because people just can't be fucked going to the last day of school. I had to though and I know no matter how many times I beg to stay at home or pretend to be sick, I'll end up being at school anyway. I know.. because I tried to be sick and as I thought, I ended up being at school. Anyway, enough about school stuff.
This morning was a total bizzare though. It was worse than the other mornings and it was horrible. But anyhow.. I'm glad that school's over so I can have a rest.. or maybe not. No more maths and all that school shit at least. hmpft. I'll edit this later, my fam's pissing me off.
~`JJe~ ♥
1:50 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
At school
What's the point of going on net on computer at school when they block nearly every webpage people usually go to? And they don't even block those stupid games site that the guys goes to. Unfair T_T So now I'm stuck on blogger and all I can do is post and yet, I'm dying to go to LPMB. The computers are nice though, not the old ones.. but still.. pft. There's nothing to do and this is like the last period of school. I'd probably go back on when I get back home.
At the moment, I'm thinking about my own new room at Indo I'm having. I'm hoping that they'd paint the room other than pink. I don't hate pink as much as I used to, but can you even imagine me in a pink room? o_0 Maybe grey would be a great idea, representing the dullness of me (ha). And maybe violet.. but that's just.. meh. I'm thinking also about dark green.. yes, that would be nice.
Oh pft, I gotta log off.
I am ashamed. I am pathetic. I hate the way I act towards things. And I hate the way I shout things that I don't need to shout about and the way I don't shout the things I need/want to shout about. I also hate the way I ran to a pole today just because I was that dumb to didnt watch where I was going T_T'' Check out the new LP song btw.
~`JJe~ ♥
10:07 PM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
"It was my shoes..! I swear it was!"
Today was just utterly tiring, but more interesting than any other days. It's not an interesting day, but it's less dull and boring than the other days. Not only a tiring day, but I'm very very thirsty, a little bit hungry and I'm craving for 'mochi'. It's this cake thing and it's really.. soft and.. cute! and yummy!^^
I went to school with my new smell (Impulse - Summer Shakers - Tropical Breeze) My mum finally bought one from the chemist after all the complains I've made when Dev stepped on my last "Ico" Impulse. I've been wanting that smell for months, but now I finally got it.. not that I hate the Ico one..
But anyway,, what made worse the day was that I had sport - and PE! I tried to explain to my PE teacher that I was feeling weak and dehydrated since I was fasting and it was so very hot. I also told him that I've been helping a relative/friend moving houses and I was bringing heavy stuff so my arms are all very sore (I didn't help anyone moving houses, but my arms were actually sore). But before I could finished all the reasons, he cut my sentence and told everyone to go under the tree if you don't want to participate and he'll give our sport teachers a note explaining we can't go to sport and will put us in room B1. Hearing that, I quickly changed my mind. I don't want to go to B1 with all the non-sport people, eep! We played touch footy, but I didn't really play for a long time since I kept on going off as a sub with all other girls who doesn't want to play.
I waited on the side of the field and I was watching Sevda, Isabella and Melody doing that.. thing.. where you stand in front of your friend and fall down and the friend behind you has to catch you. You know.. all about that trusting thing. Sevda told me to fall in front of her and promised to catch me and bounce me back. Trusting her, I did and she did catch me. The next one was Isabella telling me to do that in front of her. Her, saying "Trust me.." I did, so I fell in front of her and as she caught me there was a.. "BRPHT!" fart sound. I stood up quickly and ran away laughing my ass off. They all laughed too and her excused was.. "It was my shoes..! I swear it was!" ha. Okay, well I trust you, it was your shoes. Finally something entertaining, heh. ~`JJe~ ♥
11:33 PM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Yes, hello.. I've decided to post the second time tonight. I was about to edit the previous post but I just can't be fucked to do it. Now.. my head's heavy for some reason and I'm feeling weak. I'm trying to covince my mum to give me a letter to excuse me to not attend PE and sport tomorrow. Besides that, I have loads of works to do and I finally completed the third day of fasting (in the previous post, I was still fasting I haven't even break my fast, I just came back from school)
There's not much to say except the fact that I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I just want to stay at home and do my assigns already (yes, assigns in the last week of the term!) It's also very late for me to sleep now and especially I have to wake real early tomorrow. *sigh* I just want to get this week done quickly!
~`JJe~ ♥
6:24 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
I told you I love these guys!
Came home from school and turned on the computer straight away (as usual) Bored, I went to LPMB and check out some threads and posted some stuff and then.. in one of the thread, someone posted an interview with LP. It's a funny interview and I like it. So as usual, since I like it, I'll put it up here. Enjoy! =]
RC: Rock Circus has come down to Metropol, we're with the members of Linkin Park. This is Rob. Rob: Hello RC: You're the bassist? Rob: Drummer
RC: Phoenix, the odest and newest member of the band I'm told, bass player. Phoenix: That is correct.
RC: And we got Chester over here. Chester: Hi
RC: And Todd Brad: I'm Brad, but you can call me Todd. RC: I'm sorry, my bust, so tell me a little bit...
(Mike who is sitting behind Gigz waves to the camera) Mike: I'm not in the band. RC: Mike, I'm sorry, I didn't even see you behind me. Mike: I'm here for moral support and to sit over-top of everybody. RC: My bad, hey they're being very nice to us we forgot the tape and luckily I live very close and I was able to get back and weasel an interview in. Thanks guys for being so nice to us.
Band: No problem. RC: So you guys are from Southern California, what part? Chester: Los Angeles, California. RC: You guys look relatively young, did you hook up in highschool? Mike: Yeah, we're still in highschool, none of us have our driver's liscences yet. RC: Nah, you look a little older than that man. Mike: No I'm thirteen. RC: I got a fourteen year old daughter you can hook up with. Chester: Alright! RC: No I didn't say that, I got church people that watch my show.
RC: Now you guys got two vocalists, Chester and Mike. Brad: And Todd. RC: And Todd, Brad over there, I'm sorry my bad. That's what you get when you try to pull one out your ass. But anyway is there any problems between egos? Mike: Yeah, a lot, we hate eachother! RC: I would doubt that. Chester: That's what makes it so diverse and dynamic when you write lyrics cause it's about how much we hate eachother. RC: Is that what sells? Chester: Yeah RC: And then you throw Todd's guitar work in over there,I'm sorry Brad I'm busting your balls. Mike: Big Bad Todd. ((Note from me: It's meant to be Big Bad Brad. He even got it for his user on LPMB)) RC: How did you hook up with these guys? Mike: Tough Tall Todd. Brad: You can call me tough tall, Mike and I actually met in junior high, I went to college with Dave, Rob played with me in a band in highschool.
Phoenix: Who's Dave? Brad: Oh, sorry, Phoenix... phonics... and Chester was the last piece of our beautiful little puzzle.
Chester: They found me in a dumpster. Mike: I went to school with Joe. Mr Hahn's too busy working out to hang out with us but I knew Joe from college, so that we don't leave him out of the puzzle there. He told us to screw off I think.
RC: (laughing)Now your CD title is Hybrid Theory, the title originally was the name of the band, what transpired there?
Mike: It was basically a legal issue that we changed the name. We chose the name Linkin Park for one reason, the spelling L I N K I N. We've always been interested in the internet and a lot of our first fans and street-team members were from the internet so we wanted to choose a name that we could get the band name .COM. Basically we just wanted the website, that's it, that's the only reason.
Chester: We're pretty boring. RC: No you guys aren't boring, you guys were flying all around here before we started.
(Joe walks up from behind the back of the bus to join the crowd) Chester: He's pumped up, check him out dude, look at the size of that guy! Mike: He's so pumped. (in an Arnold Schwartzenager voice) (Joe makes a blow me jester to the group) RC: How much can you bench? Joe: Uhh... I bench like 120 pounds. RC: No, come on. Joe: Sixty pounds on each side. RC: What do you do like sets of ten with that? Joe: No, like three. RC: Do you run the turn-tables or drums? Joe: Yeah, I rent turn-tables every night, scratch. RC: Does that help your abilities there? Joe: I actually started off petting dogs. RC: Well, that would be a great catalyst to that. Joe: Then I moved on to cats. RC: Then you could move on to spanking the monkey. Joe: No, I've been doing that for years. RC: See, you had a head start before petting dogs. Joe: Yeah monkeys, we go way back. RC: Or turtles? Joe: No just turtle heads. RC: Cat heads, whatever it takes.
(Chester is bent over with laughter on the other side of the couch)
Mike: Chester's gonna bust his gut here. Chester: Sometimes I get posessed by the laughing demons. RC: How long are you guys gonna be out on the road? A good while, through the end of the year? Mike: We'll be on tour with HedPe and POD and Project 86 through the rest of this month, November, and then in December we'll be hooking up with Papa Roach. RC: Good friend of RC, he's a cool dude. But hey I'll wrap this up, I know you guys have things to do,thanks.
Aand that's about it. It's funny for me, but probably some of you's don't get it, so nevermind! It's old though, this interview. It's when they still toured for their Hybrid Theory album and that's like their first album. Old. But still cool for me. 3 days down, 27 to go!
~`JJe~ ♥
12:18 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, September 25, 2006
A quickie drop
I'm just dropping by to say some words and I'll make this real quick 'cause it's pretty late for me since I have to wake up at 3.30 or maybe even earlier.
Today was just as dull and as empty and as indifference as any toher days, but then something unexpected happened. When I turned on my computer aggressively (while hitting the monitor for not working) I just felt like going on MSN straight away, so I did. Just 3 seconds after I signed in, Ria came on! ah! that totally made my day! --well not really, but it's practically the most interesting that happened today.
2 days down, 28 days to go! ~`JJe~ ♥
6:17 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Just one more week
I would rather fast for a whole full month than going to school this last week of the term. Unfortunately, I have to do both. Exciting T_T for some reason I just don't feel like being seen at school and going to school and due my assigns. I just can't be bothered and I don't feel like to. Anyhow, today wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I didn't starve to death as I thought I would. Infact, it wasn't hard. I just got a bit weak since usually 50% of the day I eat 40% internet and the other 10% are just.. usual stuff.. I don't get fat for some reason though. Don't get me wrong, I do excercise; every Wednesday and I jump around and those kinds of push-ups thingies everyday, but it only takes me for about 10 minutes. hmpft.
I have to sleep early now, 'cause I have to wake up around 3.30 in the morning. That means I better have some rest and I guess it's enough for this other dull and empty day. I know it'll be a long week, but at least it's just a week then after that.. finally! free from all those stupid assigns and school works.. and exams.. wish me luck.
~`JJe~ ♥
5:36 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, September 23, 2006
A look at my dark emotion
I missed quizilla so I had a look around there. I found some interesting quizzes, but I'm just going to put one up, because I can't be bothered to go to the My Quizzes Result page and update it, so I'll put it up here instead.
A look at your dark emotion (For girls, NOT a happy quiz! Has pictures and 6 detailed results!)
The emotions you feel are: indifference and carelessness:You have come to a point in life, where you really just dont care anymore. You have been through too much for you to deal with, causing all your emotions just too always shut down. To certain people this may seem like a good thing, because whatever bad thing happens: you dont care. But to you however, its is an awful thing.. You wish you were just cabeable of feeling something again. To other people you seem cold, or sometimes maybe even evil..? Who knows, but either way: you dont care, so it doesnt matter. However, you will have a person to help you someday, and then in some time.. you will do better again! I wish you luck!
Colour: GreyPositive traits: Cant get hurt easilyNegative traits: Cold, uncaring, apatheticElement: IcePlease rate and/or message! Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
It's big I know. There's something wrong with the coding, but owell..
Anyway, yesterday was science excursion. It wasn't that bad, but I just can't be bothered talking about all the stuff that happened. Today I had fun starring at my stupid monitor all day long with my square bum, browsing through every website that I know and post at LPMB. I'm a noob there. lol owell. Fasting starts tomorrow..! eek! wish me luck. toodles.
~`JJe~ ♥
2:26 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Thursday, September 21, 2006
fortunate,, but not so fortunate
ignore the title, i cant come up with another one. suits me well enough though. hmph, absurt. anyway, as i was waiting for this blog thing to load so i can create a new post (this post), i went to the toilet and i smelt something was burning from the kitchen. when i walked there i noticed something red. thinking the house was on fire i ran to the stove and felt real glad that only the food were burnt. phew..
so,, tomorrows science excursion and yet i dont even know what we're doing, i do but i forgot T_T i know where though.. its in the city, The Rocks i think. meh.
oh and ive been wanting to type this down for couple of days but i kept on forgetting it and now i remember =] --okay well, last time i took this quiz thing and it asked me this question: **what do you fear most? -or something along those lines.. but anyway, the answers were: **to have nothing interesting/exciting left to do **being dull **dreams being shattered **out of touch **people think youre unoriginal **someone holding you back **losing your friends and some others..
i didnt know what to choose cos.. the first one,, well i already have nothing interesting && exciting left to do. the second one, im dull already thankyouverymuch. the third one.. oo.. i was this close to shatter my dreams just like that. // out of touch,, okay just maybe a little bit. and btw, some people really thinks im unoriginal o_o but meh, i dont give a damn anyway. someone holding me back,, well not now but someone WAS holding me back. so i guess i cant say i dont have any friends and dont mind having NO friends at all, and that was my answer,, "losing my friends" but seriously, that big mistake i made had make me realised how important they are to me, so from all the others, i guess i fear that one the most. some people thinks its pathetic or maybe thinks im weak etc etc, but its not. --okay maybe i am weak, but still.. =D
~`JJe~ ♥
6:23 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
the three wishes
what would you wish if you actually have those 3 wishes thing..? this is lame i know but i dont have anything else interesting to type T_T but anyway, a friend of mine said that "i wish everytime i say i wish it comes true" great idea, but not so great. sometimes when i get mad or pissed off or upset or frustrated etc etc.. i can go.. "aerggh i wish ive never been born" if everytime i say i wish it comes true.. then pooff!! i wouldnt have been born o_0 or something like.. "i wish i can just die" then id die -.-' or worse! i might go.. "i wish i can just kill him/her" that would be a total bizzare,, o_o
so.. id rather wish.. 1) to have a power that can controls time 2) to reach my big dream of mine in the future (its the thing that keeps me going until now) 3) to have nothing to wish about
~`JJe~ ♥
4:15 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Karate! XD
i was bumming around YouTube.. again. and found a very interesting video. i like it. so again i decided to put it here. --okay.. well, i cant actually be bothered typing stuff about today and what happened etc etc. so youll be stuck with the video instead. Enjoy!
~'JJe~ ♥
6:14 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, September 18, 2006
maybe stop to think
i found a poem. i like the poem, so i decided to put it here. the author of the poem is HereLiesMyDignity. the poem is called "Maybe Stop To Think" Enjoy!
Call her what you like, but dont expect a reaction Cause that girl has feelings too That girl just waits and hides That girl doesnt want attention She just wants to be able to cry
Give her name, but dont wait for her to moan Cause that girl has feelings too That girl doesnt want you to tease That girl doesnt want to fear you Just dont do it , please
Backstab all you want, but dont hope to start a fight Cause that girl has feelings too That girl could run away That girl could tell everybody But that girl would never say
Spread every rumour there is, but maybe stop to think Cause that girl has feelings too That girl just waits and hides That girl doesnt want attention She just wants to be able to cry
neways. today was a bizzare. a total bizarre indeed. after spraining my neck, i sprained my ankle on the way home. most of the locker at school were destroyed over the weekends. so at period one i cleaned it up and brought EVERYTHING home. i had to, so i did and it made me sprained an ankle. when i came home my muscles became all stiff because of the heavy books.
today.. i dont know. well i do, but i dont know how to explain it. i feel like.. i dont feel happy.. but i dont feel miserable. im not feeling those usual 'screwed' feeling. its like.. everything is just so.. dull and boring and i never get excited anymore. when a friend of mine said that my locker was one of the one that got crashed, i was just "okay" without being mad or anything. everything is just so damn plain and straight to me. and when i remembered i have assigns due, i dont get all in that 'must study must work' mood, i just go "oh yeah ok" some bad things happened today, but it feels like everyday stays aall the same. gah. oh and i have music assessment to do so.. so long.. ~`JJe~ ♥
1:07 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, September 17, 2006
new template
now this one i made it myself. i figured out the basic codes from another skin and yeah the header i made it myself. its a bit plain i know.. well not plain but it looks.. empty. i dunno. meh. im planning to be one of those people who makes blog skins in blogksins.com whatever you call it. but i might dont have time to make skins and upload them so im still thinking about it.
today i sprained my neck. yes, my neck. i cant turn or move my head. even though i can, it hurts and stings as hell. im feeling a little guilty.. i dunno. i think i was a little harsh to a friend of mine and i hope it wont lead me to another big mistake like before T_T'' there's not much to say really.. today was a total snore. well i had BBQ with me family which is sort of nice. and the foods.. oh, the foods were nice.
for some reason i want to fast.. one because i know ive been eating alot these days even though for some reason im always sort of skinny. and two.. i need to save money. especially my weekly money got cut off since i called dev too many times on september. i know it was my fault but i still feel like banging my head on the table for cutting off my own weekly money. gah. oh and surprisingly, i grew taller!^^ ahhaha. happy i am. i just realised my jacket that has a writing "owned" is shrinking. then i thought.. did i even wash this jacket? and i knew the jacket doesnt shrink after you wash it a couple of times. then i realised my pants were shrinking as well. then i realised yesterday when i met claudia, shes shorter than me. ahha! yeeaahh! i feel so childlish, but yeah.. owell. wish me luck for the coming week and i cbb pressing more letters now..
~`JJe~ ♥
12:10 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, September 16, 2006
give me a reason to peel off my face
"saturday is your good day of the week" let's see.. i woke up at 10 with my tummy grumbling. so i went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. then i ate. and then as usual i go on computer and realised i have mtc meeting. i got ready. and as i brushed my hair i realised that im having a bad fringe day -.-' gah. very annoying. i came to mtc late. lets skip this part, it was boring. okay, after mtc, i decided to wonder around alone since i didnt wanna go home. i went to maccers and get fries and coke. i walked to the park i used to go with ria. i dont know why, i just felt like to. i sat down on one of the swings. i ate while listening to music. then i stayed there alone doing nothing, just listening to music and reading.
after a while my head started spinning and it feels like something is hitting it hard. so i decided to go home. i walked to kingsford round about then stopped at the shop Kare Bear. i looked around and then continued walking to the bus stop. i caught a bus home. then i just layed on the sofa downstairs. after my head stop hurting i went upstairs and do usual stuff; eat, drink, computer, music. and here i am now.. my head's starting to hurt again -.-'
another dull day i guess. but its pretty nice how i finally got to be alone! so i guess it is.. but the morning was a bizzare. i missed the bus to mtc and i said really loudly until a grandpa starred at me "the bus driver is fcuking blind!!" i felt embarassed afterwards though. heh. now this is what i call an undescribeable day..
~`JJe~ ♥
12:43 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, September 15, 2006
in my mind
ignore the title i cbb thinking of something else, it just strucked me. im listening to music. i cant sleep and i just took a shower. yes, this late at night. my tummy is grumbling but im trying to ignore it. i havent post for quite a while now since i usually post often. but these days i just.. i dont feel like posting things anymore. so i might have lack amount of posts than before. well its not like anyone is interested about what i post and about my life anyway. my eyes are getting heavy so lets get this done quickly.
one thing.. i know i supposed to put this way earlier, but sorry dev, better than nothing.. happy birthday dev!!^^ 12th of september, silly me i didnt put it up. and for the rest.. well the rest of the week after is just plain dull and.. ah.. how should i put it.. undescribeable. not in a very good way though, in a boring way and it makes me feels lonely and just.. dull.. and desperate to have at least something interesting to happen. this month is just so empty and dull. unlike August, loads and loads of stuff happened that month, but most of them.. they're horrible. yes they are. go back to the archives, the posts are depressing. you might as well noticed that already.
i cant stand starring at the monitor anymore. my butt's square already probably.. ~`JJe~ ♥
7:24 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i need just a little bit more time
oh joy, its monday! and unsurprisingly it rained.. what a boring day. i have more and more assignments and yet ive been very lazy these days. gah. its so effing cold today but as always, i decided not to wear my ugly school jumper. never. im not wearing that baggy fat green jumper. and i dont wanna look green from top to bottom *shudder* so again, my long black sleves saves the day^^ --well not really, since it was thin and it didnt really help, but better than nothing. my fault though, i bought a wrong kind of jumper. i shouldve bought the v-necked one. it's not baggy, it's a better colour, it fits your body, and its v-necked,, and its better. meh.
neways, the only part of the day i like is English. its not that i like the subject. it was meant to be the worst part, but since the teacher was away and most of the people who were supposed to due their assignments and to act out their play were away, it was pretty good. i worked on my unfinished because i cant be bothered doing it assign, and me, farah, and stephanie didnt end up practising the play. so.. the whole 2 periods, all we did was talk, laugh and do our crappy assigns. i couldnt stop laughing, it was the longest time ive laughed at school in a year. dont ask why, i just did.
went to maccers after school with steph, took a bus, and got home. i dropped my bag in my room and opened my fridge, expecting theres something good to eat. nothing. --nothing that i wanted anyway. so here i am.. bored.. starring at the screen, recording what happened today. i should find something to do.
~`JJe~ <33
11:44 PM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
i hate mondays. the worst day of the week. its the day when you just cant get your ass off the bed in the morning. and its the day when you wish its friday already and its also the day when you always rush in the morning and arrived to school late. typical. if only i have the power to bend time..
~`JJe~ <33
6:58 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, September 09, 2006
the word 'stuck' is stuck in my mind. i havent post for quite a while. i have so many things in my mind but i just cant be bothered typing stuff down and for some reason i just cant write the things i wanna say in a post like before.. like the other posts i mean. ill try though. if i just cant come up with anything to write.. well then.. meh, screw it.
one thing i have noticed is that im becoming more dull and dull day by day. i dunno. maybe i just need to chill a little bit more sometimes. maybe i need to socialise more and go out often like i used to do before. lately, i just cant get my ass to work even though sometimes i have nothing better to do and in fact, sometimes i just have nothing to do. okay well thats a lie.. not nothing to do.. nothing that i want to do. lately, i want to just lay in bed, with music on, raining. lately, someone has been hacking into my msn. so beware!
im starting to think that my head is on the clouds sometimes and im starting to think ive.. gotten abit mental and i think i should stop, because ive been thinking too far. god im freaking myself out.
~`JJe~ <33
7:07 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
im not who you think i am
i got vaccination today. it was like a pinch, the one that hurts. but anyway.. it just made my arm sore and heavy but yer.. it didnt hurt as much as i thought it would. as always.. today i wore black sleeves under my school shirt and the platform shoes. when i was waiting for my turn.. a teacher saw me and went.. "hey you, what are you doing under that black shirt? its not part of school uniform! take it off!" i was like.. o_0 but then i took it off anyway. then she came up to me again..
teacher: "okay you, whats your name?" me: "urm.. m*jm*" teacher: "why are you out of uniform?" me: *lying* "oh urm.. my jumper.. and my shoes are washed.." teacher: "your shoes are washed.." me: "...yea school shoes.." teacher: *raise voice a little bit* "go to the office and get a note!!" me: *raised eyebrows* "okay" *walk to the office*
i came back with the note. and i showed it to her. she read it. and then she looked at me. i just put a straight plain and the 'i-didnt-do-anything-wrong' face. then she spoke.. "okay.." and then she gave me back the note. i walked away saying "yeah" then she came up with another thing.. "and less make up tomorrow too!!" --what.the.fuck?! make up eh? make up?! i just wore a goddamn eyeliner. and it wasnt that thick anyway. its not like im the only one who wears eyeliner at school. --okay, i admit. my bad, i was out of uniform. cant help it. but she was looking at me and talking to me in a really freakin nasty way. anyway, i was the last one to get the vaccination.. so i was waiting at the end of the line. that teacher was speaking to other kids and including stephanie. she just smiled and talked to her normally. then when stephanie and another guy came in to the room.. it was only me and a friend of mine. she smiled to her. then my turn.. and guess what she did? *uhm* she looked at me as if im an alien who did something wrong to her. i just raised an eyebrow and acted cool. she kept on looking at me as if im those.. drug user, smoker, drinker, bad, depressed, dumb, rude kind of girl whos gonna drop out school.. *shakes head* at least im smarter than she thinks i am =P
neways. nothing interesting today. just another crappy tuesday. i put on the black sleeves again btw. heh. im tired. and i have this feeling that im gonna get glasses soon. aahh!~ seriously, these days, sometimes when i read small fonts. it goes blurry.. and i lost concentration.. and i cant read properly T_T''' i cant imagine myself with glasses on.. ~`JJe~ <33
2:32 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
long word huh? meh. --i hope i have something to look forward to. life is so boring. i wish ive never been born. seriously. i do. i cant come up with anything today. im feeling.. dull. i have a vaccination tomorrow. i will go to bondi after school. *whines* ..something please happen! i cant stand waiting here doing nothing just for my death. and where will i go? --yes, to the bloody freakin stinking graveyard. i know. thats why i wish ive never been born.
why cant my life be as exciting as other interesting people's?! and why the heck do i have to always complain and whine about only my problems in this stupid blog of mine?! why cant i just come up with an effing interesting thing to put here?! yaerghbloodyhellimfeelingsofukingscrewedwhatshouldido??!!
~`JJe~ <33
5:20 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, September 02, 2006
loving these guys
eh. well i was checking out YouTube, and i watched this video of linkin park performing the song 'a place for my head' live in texas. it was crazy. so wild. but i like it. and its so.. gawddamn cool. i think.. its the best song performed live so far. so i decided to put it here. enjoy^^
~`JJe~ <33
6:14 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, September 01, 2006
the meaning of life
questions: 1) where did we come from? 2) where are we going to? 3) why are we here? 4) whats it all about anyway?
ah. ever wonder those questions? im sure you did at least once. but its not worth thinking about that ya know.. cos i have the answers.
answers: 1) your parents had sex and you were born. 2) to the graveyard, ducky. 3) see number one above. 4) trying to stay alive.
very.. logical eh? ~`JJe~ <33
5:32 AM Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Name: mjm Death: 13th.October.19** (for me to know && for you to find out) School: Wait and see. It's somewhere I don't want to be. MSN: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com Yahoo!: grinapple93@yahoo.com.au Blogskins:xmjmx FS;Myspace;Bebo: xblack_deerx@hotmail.com
NO junks. NO advertising. NO bullshits. Otherwise, feel free to scream and yell at me.
Join LPU
Cut my hair
Frat Party DVD
Have a half new wardrobe
New sneakers
New black platform shoes
New bag A mobile
iPod Nano New Earphones
New Pencilcase
Smooth my hair
My own stereo
Dye my hair navy blue/dark violet
To get effing taller
To have all my hopes and wishes comes true