Thursday, January 25, 2007
And so I have arrived in Indo safely. Oh, how surprising.. I'm in internet cafe right now.
ALright. I'm fine, dont like it here much. now I gtg. Tata.
8:54 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Monday, January 15, 2007
Look how many days left until Thursday! It's so too soon and I'm not ready yet. Ahh!!
I have alot of things to do. I should've enjoyed those lazy few days last week. What a record I didn't go on MSN for 2 whole days, hah. And moving schedules around also frustrates me.About the Blue Mountain Katoomba thing.. Well, it was meant to be sort of a rest and a refreshment for the whole family, but it didn't really turn up that way. We had a walk in The Three Sisters and decided to go down to the Giant Stairway, without even thinking how we'd get back up and where it leads to. Guess what happened? My little brother was so way ahead that we lost him. It was in the middle of the bush, under The Three Sisters for god's sake! So we looked for him and walked for around 5 km until we reached the Scenic World. I wore my platform shoes, I swear I thought my knees were about to fall off that time. Anyway, we found him eventually - no, the police found him after we showed a picture of him. They found him in front of our cabin. PFT. He walked alone all the way from Scenic World to our accomodation. I don't know how he found his way, but he did. And this is the conversation my little brother had with the police..Police: Hey little boy, are you lost?LilBro: No.Police: Well it looks like you are. Are your parents here?LilBro: No. They're in Echo Point or somewhere.. I dunno.Police: Does your dad wears a white shirt and glasses?LilBro: YesPolice: Does your mum wears that head dress thing? (he meant scarf)LilBro: YesPolice: Does your sister wears black shirt?LilBro: ..Uh, yeah.. no..?Police: Okay, hop on.So we spent our energy looking for him, while he was sitting on the ground in front of our cabin, enjoying his bubblegum. We met him back in Scenic World and walked home.. which was really tiring. Didn't really sleep well at night, my feet ached like hell! Everywhere we went, we had to walk. Okay, this is a pretty long post.. I better end it before you all snore in front of your computers. ~`JJe~ <33
4:31 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I've been really busy these days. I've been going in and out of my house everyday. Then after that, I always got tired and fall asleep. When I wake up, it's always already dark. So by the time I'm meant to sleep, I can't sleep.So today I went to Flamington. Did all the shopping stuff, and went to Peddis and Market City as well. I got myslef 2 pairs of shoes, a dark jeans, a belt and a black and grey shirt with a hoodie. Was about to buy Dev's shoes, but there was too many things to carry, so I'm coming back on Tuesday. I have to say that I don't like shopping much, the only thing I like is to have something new and use/wear it. Just that. That's the only reason I even bother going. And my mum needs help choosing things for families & relatives in Indo and stuff.I have so many things to do that I've been distracting things I need to solve lately. But I really don't care anymore, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm a chicken. I also realised that I'm lucky, but I just don't know how to enjoy it. I don't like the way things are for some reason. Bye now. I'm going to Katoomba for a night tomorrow. Egh. I'm very very hard to be excited now. Yeahh, I know I'm weird. Very weird. ~`JJe~ <33
2:35 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Sunday, January 07, 2007
I changed the music. And I'm here just to show you how bored I am. Got this off from here. So here's the 'Infamous 400 question survey' Mwaha. I double double dare you to do this!
Section One: Basics
1. Name: M*jm*
2. Nickname(s): jje, maj, munch, puk, etc.
3. Birthday: 10th of October 19**
4. That makes you: **
5. Where were you born: Indonesia
6. Location right now: Sydney Australia
7. Shoe size: 8 I think
8. How many piercings?: 2
9. Tattooes?: None
10. When you wake up you're: awake and still tired
11. When your about to sleep you're: awake, bored and tired
12. Zodiac sign: Libra
13. Chinese sign: Rooster
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty
15. Innie or Outie: Innie
16. School: I've come out of South Sydney High, I'm moving and I have no idea
Section Two: Looks
17. Nationality: Indonesian
18. Hair color: Black
19. Eye color: Dark brown
20. Weight: 46 kg
21. Height: 5' something
22. Braces?: No
23. Glasses?: No
Section Three: Private Life
24. Do you have a boyfriend?: No
25. If so, who?: ---
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: No
27. Who has a crush on you?: No one that I know of
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: No
29. Who was your first kiss: Hasn't happened yet
30. Who was your last: None
31. Are you a virgin?: Yes
32. Ever had a threesome before?: No.
33. If you could have sex with anyone, who would that be?: No one
34. Have you ever been in love?: No I don't think so
35. Broken any hearts?: Don't think so
36. Got your heart broken?: No
37. Ever liked a friend?: Not really
38. What happened?: Nothing
Section Four: Past Relationships..
39. How many relationships have you been in: 0
40. How many were serious enough to count: 0
41. Who were those serious ones: No one. I'm loveless =P
42. Funnest hook-ups: never been hooked up
43. What made them different: ---
44. What happened: ---
45. Best boy/girlfriend: No one
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: No one
47. Ever been kissed: No
48. Who do you want back: No one
49. Who do you regret: No one
50. Why: Because I have no one
Section Five: Favorites
51. Song: Don't know really.
52. Movie: The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy
53. Food: Loads
54. Drink: Water
55. Store: None
56. Television show: Don't have one
57. Holiday: I dunno.
58. Book: Loads
59. Ice cream: Tiramisu
60. Candy: Starburst
61. Chip: BBQ
62. Type of music: Any, mostly rock
63. Artist: Linkin Park
64. Word: Stuck
65. Time of day: Night
66. Dressing: Shirts and pants
67. Alcoholic drink: None
68. Color(s): Violet, Black, Fluoro Green
69. Piece of clothing: This one particular black shirt
70. Character: ---
71. Smell: Paint
72. Shampoo: I don't know.
73. Soap: Uhh.
74. Smiley: 
75. Board game: Dunno
76. Sport(s): Swimming, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Softball
77. Number: 7
78. Quote: "Shut up"
79. Animal: Wolf, Deer
80. Actor: No one
81. Actress: ^
82. Vegetable: Potato
83. Fruit: Grape
84. Place to be: Bed
85. Thing in your room: My bed
86. Gum: Bubbalicious
87. Shape: Triangle
88. Country: Japan
89. Mall: Dunno
90. Car: Dunno.
91. Boy's name: Don't know.
92. Girl's name: Don't know.
93. Family member: ^
94. Restaurant: Taste Of Thai, Fujiya
95. Movie place: Dunno
96. Person to go to the movies with: Dunno.
97. Noise: "Bang, bang, bang" ?
98. Brand of shoe: Converse
99. Brand of clothing: Uh, dunno
100. Body part of a chicken: Leg
101. Swear word: Crap
102. Month: October
103. Possession: Nothing
104. Team: None.
105. Season: Winter
106. Radio station: Nothing really
107. Magazine: None
108. Favorite grade: A
109. Least favorite grade: F
110. Teacher: Mr. Moxham, Mr. Tan
111. Least favorite teacher: dunno
112. Subject: Music
113. Subject to talk about : Dunno
Section Six: Family
114. Who's your mum?: My mum
115. Who's your dad?: My dad
116. Any step-parents?: Yes; a mum and a dad
117. Any brothers?: 3
118. Any sisters?: No
119. Most annoying family member: Brothers
120. Coolest: Dunno
121. Loudest: Little brother
122. Best relative: Aunts, dad
123. Worse relative: I dunno
124. Do you get along with your parents? Sometimes.
125. With your siblings? Sometimes.
126. Does anyone understand you? I dunno, not really.
127. Do you have any pets?: Not anymore
128. If so, what kind and name? ---
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: Squirrel
130. Can i be a part of your family?: Get your own
Section Seven: School
131. Are you still in school?: Yes
132. Did you drop out?: No
133. Your current GPA: GPA?
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Mostly bring
135. ABC's?: ?
136. Favorite class: Music
137. Play any sports at school?: Yeah
138. Are you popular?: I don't know. No.
139. Favorite memory: None
140. Most humiliating moment: Ohh. Egh. Don't you even remind me *hides face*
141. Most funniest moment: Funny moments.
142. Most scared moment: I dunno
143. Your first friend in school: I forgot her name. Haha.
144. Are you still friends with that person?: I don't think she even remembers me.
Section Eight: Word Associations
145. Chicken: leg
146. Dog: cat
147. Christina Aguilera: whatever
148. Ricky Martin: bah
149. 50 cent: black
15o. Poop: pants
151. Beach: boys
152. Desert: sand
153. Water: wet
154. Osama Bin Laden: meh
155. Love: heart
156. Brother: sister
157. Butt: head
158. Clowns: nose
159. Wonder: land
16o. Brown: hair
161. Banana: peel
162. Sex: moans
163. Parents: parents
164. Homosexuals: gay
165. God: unsure
Section Nine: Do you believe in..
166. God: I guess
167. Heaven: I guess
168. Devil: I guess
169. Hell: I guess
170: Boogy man: No
171. Closet Monsters: No
172. Fortune tellings: No
173. Magic: Like a rabbit out of a hat? no.
174. Love at first sight: Not really
175. Ghosts: Nah
176. Voo-doo dolls: No
177. Reincarnation: Uh, no.
178. Yourself: At times, try to at least.
Section Ten: Do you..
179. Smoke: No
180. Do drugs: No
181. Drink alcohol: No
182. Cuss: Yeah.
183. Sing in the shower: Rarely
184. Like school: It's ok sometimes
185. Want to get married: Yeah
186. Type with all of your fingers: yes
187. Think you're attractive: Not really.
188. Drink and drive: no
189. Snore: I don't think so
190. Sleep walk: no
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: sometimes
Section Eleven: Have you ever..
192. Flashed someone: No
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: No
194. Told that person how you felt: No
195. Been arrested: No
196. Gone to jail or juve: No
197. Skateboarded: Tried
198. Skinny dipped: No
199. Rock climbed: Yeah
200. Killed someone: No
201. Watched porn: No
202. Gone on a road trip: No
203. Went out of the country: yes
204. Talked back to an adult: uh, yeah
205. Broken a law: yes
206. Got pulled over: No
207. Tried killing yourself: No
208: Cried to get out of trouble: No
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Not really
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Yeah
213. Moon someone: No
214. Shop-lifted: Yeah
215. Worked at Mc. Donald's: No
216. Eaten a dog: no..
217. Give money to a homeless person: Yeah
218. Glued your hand to yourself: Yes
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: No
220. Had a one night stand: No
221. Smoked: Yeah
222. Done drugs: No.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No
224. Slap someone for being stupid: My brother, not on the cheek though.
225. Had cyber sex: Haha. Sort of.
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: No
227. Caught someone doing something: Uh.. urm.. yeah sort of.
228. Played a game that removes clothing: No
229. Cried during a movie: Uh, no
230. Cried over someone: Yeah
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: No
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: No
233. Ran away from home: I tried once looong time ago.
234. Cheated on a test: yes
Section Twelve: Would you..
235. Bungee jump: No
236. Sky dive: Yes
237. Swim with dolphins: Yeah
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: No
239. Try to be the opposite sex: No
240. Lie to the police: Depends.
241. Run from the police: No
242. Lie to your parents: Depends
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: No
244. Be an exotic dancer: No
245. Fuck a donkey for $1,000,000: No
Section Thirteen: Are you..
246. Shy: Not really
247. Loud: I can be
248. Nice: I guess
249: Outgoing: Kind of
250: Quiet: If I want to be
251. Mean: I can be
252. Emotional: Sometimes
253. Sensitive: Sometimes
254. Gay: No
255. Strong: I dunno
256. Weak: Figure it out.
257. Caring: Can be
258. Dangerous: Hmm..
259. Crazy: Not really
260. Spotaneous: Sometimes
261. Funny: I dunno
262. Sweet: *shrugs*
263. Sharing: Yeah, depends on my mood though
264. Responsible: Yes
265. Trustworthy: Yes
266. Open-minded: Yes
267. Creative: I guess
268. Cute: um... No
269. Slick: No
270. Smart: I guess
271. Dumb: Sometimes
272. Evil: can be
273. Ghetto: No
274. Classy: Eh, nah
275. Photogenic: No
276. Dependable: Yeah
277. Greedy: Not really
278. Ugly: can be
279. Messy: sometimes
280. Neat: sometimes
281. Perverted: No not really
282. Silly: I can be
283. A Bitch: No
284. A Good Listener: Depends on who I am listening to
285. A Fighter: no
286. A Party Animal: No
287. A Game Freak: No
288. A Computer Freak: Yes
Section Fourteen: Future..
289. Dream job: Unsure
290. Dream house: Dunno
291. Husband/Wife: I want a husband
292. Kids: I dunno
293. Names: Dunno
294. Pets: Maybe one or two
295. Car: I don't know
296. Age you would want to get married: early to mid 20's
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Don't know
298. Honeymoon: Japan
Section Fifteen: Your friends..
299. Bestfriend(s): *sigh* Poeple
300. Known the longest: Don't know
301. Craziest: Dev
302. Loudest: Suzan
303. Shyest: Stephanie
304. Best hair: Dunno
305. Best eyes: Dunno
306. Best body: Hmm.. Ria..?
307. Most Atheletic: Don't know
308. Hot-Tempered: Dev
309. Most impatient: Dev
310. Shortest: Suzan
311. Tallest: Samantha
312. Skinniest: Pigar, youre as flat as ever
313. Best singer: Dunno
314. Funniest: Dunno
315. Can always make you laugh: Depends
316. Wish you talked to more: Ria, Farah, Dev, Sevda
317. Wish you saw more: ^ and Renata
318. Who drives you insane after a while: Dev
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Urm...
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No
321. Whose always been there when you need them: I dunno
322. Who is like your family: I dunno
323. How many friends do you have? I dunno
324. How many are really close? Around two
Section Sixteen: The last..
325. Thing you ate: Chocolate
326. Thing you drank: Water
327. Thing you wore: Dark brown shirt, baggy pants
328. Thing you did: typed
329. Place you went: Bathroom
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: nothing
331. Person you saw: My mum
332. Person you hugged: Dunno
333. Person you kissed: No one
334. Person you fucked: ^
335. Person you talked to online: Forgot
336. Person you talked to on the phone: Brother's friend
337. Song you heard: Cat And Mouse - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
338. Show you saw: dunno
339. Time you fought with your parents: yesterday
340. Time you fought with a friend: I dunno.
341. Words you said: "okay"
342. Party you went to: none.
Section Seventeen: Now
343. What are you eating: Nothing.
344. What are you drinking: Nothing.
345. What are you thinking: this
346. What are you wearing: Dark brown shirt, baggy pants
347. What are you doing: this
348. Any shoes on: no
349. Hair: Dry and messy
350. Mood: As usual
351. Listening to: nothing
352. Talking to anyone: no
353. Watching anything: No
Section Eighteen: Yes or No
354. Are you a vegetarian: no
355. Are you a carnivore: uh.. not really
356. Are you heterosexual: Yes
357. Do you like penguins: Sure
358. Do you write poetry: I guess
359. Do you see stupid people: Sometimes
360. You + Me = Us: No
361. Do you like the Osbournes: No
362. Can you see flying pigs: No
363. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: Yes
366. Are you a zombie: No
367. Am i annoying you: No
368. Do you bite your nails: used to
369. Can you cross your eyes: No
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: usually
371. Have you touched someone's private part: No
Section Nineteen: This or That
372. Winter or Summer: winter
373. Spring or Fall: Fall
374. Shakira or Britney: Britney
375. MTV or VH1: meh
376. Black or White: black
377. Yellow or Pink: neither
378. Football or Basketball: Basketball
379. Cellphone or Pager: Cell
380. Pen or Pencil: Pen
381. Cold or Hot: cold
382. Tattooes or Piercings: piercings
383. Inside or Outside: depends
384. Weed or Alcohol: Neither
385. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
386. Tape or Glue: Tape
387. Mc. Donald`s or In-n-Out: In-N-Out??
Section Twenty: Opinions..
388. What do you think about classical music: it's alright
389. About boy bands: Who cares?
390. About suicide: Hard to say.
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: I ignore them
392. About teen pregnancy: Bad
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Dunno.
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Dunno
395. About gay men: What about them?
Section Twenty-One: Random..
396. Do you have a website: Yeah
397. Current weather right now: Normal
398. Current time: 11:59 PM
399. Any shout outs: no
400. Last thoughts: bathroom..~`JJe~ <33
5:47 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Egh. I might stop blogging. Yeah. Or maybe I just won't post as often.I want new music. I want the new album. I want to have a collection of all the albums and DVDs I want. Then play them as loud as I want to when I feel like to.Hardly Breathe by Hydroponkiz ft. Chester. Found a part of it on YouTube, and I wanted to whole song so that's what I've come up with. Just thought I'd post it up 'cause I find my blog a total snore. And to keep things up to date.~`JJe~ <33
6:06 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again