Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hi. Yes. Im back. Again.I have ALOT to say. So get ready. mkay, here it goes..My reports were fine. I had no red/bad marks or anything, which is good.. and bad. Cuz then poeple expect more, & they think.. "if only in a few months of catching up she doesnt get any bad marks, so that means she wont have any problems next year.." which means, here comes people's expectation of wanting me to be first in class again.. etc etc.Bali.. It was great. Alot of fun. Outdoor activities mostly.. for TEN DAYS! I was practically grilled under the sun & came back to Bandung with a tanner skin,, & Hopeless thoughts of the coming new school year.. But most of all, I wore free clothings. I mean, I left all my screwed up feelings and everything that'll ruin my holidays behind in Bandung. & It kinda make the way I dress differently. I tend to just pick up any free clothes thats on the very top of my travel bag. But my bag was filled with black, so it doesnt change that much.. I was more careless I guess..Came back to Bandung with a new look (you know, I got darker and stuff & wore what people wear when theyre on vacation), gave the gifts to my friends. & a New year of school started.I knew what class I was in, so I went around to see which one is my class cuz they mix it up again. I found it. Its besides the toilet & musholla. Great. It's on the side that you can see alot from there. & can easily be spotted and watched by teachers. Thats even Greater. But yeah, whatever. I looked around and found a spot to sit on the very back. A few girls came into the class, and I was seriously glad to see they were my friends. What was on my mind : 'Thank God! At least i know a few people..' & the rest is history that I dont think it's that much important to tell.I guess, so far I've been trying to adapt in a new situation at school. Although it's not that much different.. But yeah. I've been trying to be stable abit. I dont wanna fall apart (again) in year 9.. especially next year anywhere near UN. If that happens, I'm gonna start pulling my teeth out.I'll keep it this long. I gotta skid.<33Labels: life
4:48 AM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again
Friday, July 13, 2007
I havent posted anything for SO long. Heh. This blog has alot of things to catch up. First of first.. Remember my piercings? well, the earings are like screwed and it made the skin around the piercings infected. So I took the piercings off and it's turning out okay cuz its drying up. Hmm, what else. My year was supposed to have this excursion to jakarta thing before they give us our reports. Instead of going with school, I went with some other peeps and spent the night in a hotel. It was okay I guess, pretty fun in a way. & about my reports and my yearlies, it was fine. I didnt fail a subject =) And I went to bali for holidays. It hasnt been all fun and holidays all the time and I have alot more to say, but I really gotta go. So I'll continue later.
<33Labels: holidays, life
8:18 PM
Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again